“Here is the deepest secret nobody knows.Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud And the sky of the sky of a tree called life;Which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.I carry your heart.I carry it in my heart.”
E.E. Cummings
Today is Valentine's Day. I have always been indifferent about this holiday. I have had Valentines that have brought me flowers and taken me to fancy dinners. I have had Valentines Days when I was just with my friends and that was grand. I think the emphasis on this holiday is that it is for people who are in relationships. It's for people who kiss and hold hands and make babies together. Yes, it is for those people, but what are the other people supposed to do. The majority I believe don't mind being single on a days such as this. I think people who are in a relationship look at the poor single people and pity them. Poor single people who are alone on this day of love. I believe we are supposed to love the other 364 days in the year. I don't think love calls for special holidays or flowers. I think it calls for finding the wonderful in the mundane areas of life. Love isn't about how much I can buy and spend. Yes, granted, people do like to be acknowledged and appreciated but don't just do it on this day because it's a government issued holiday. I would trade all the flowers, gifts, and fancy dinners in the world to love someone who makes me laugh on an ordinary Tuesday as opposed to showering me with gifts on a holiday. I guess a lot of people will probably disagree with me and that's fine. I plan on having a wonderful time tonight with friends who make me laugh and bring me joy.
I have been in both situations, single and in relationships, on this day. I've also experienced the flowers, gifts and dinners. But what I've found that really matters is that you can love yourself in either situation. Enjoy it, just like you did.
Eng 226
i love your post. if you love someone, you should let them know more than just 1 day year, or on holidays. It should be a daily occurence of making them feel loved and appreciated. And you should do special things like dinner, movie, planning a fun weekent etc, to show them that more than once a year too. Its just a hallmark holiday. another economic holiday that makes people blow all of their money.
And that's what I think you should do. Always let the people you love know it.
K. Smith
Eng. 226
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