"I would love to see U2 in 3D but I'll probably have nightmares about Bono's glasses taking over my body."
Can I just say that I love my friends. A lot. My friends are my family. They are the people I lean on when I start to tumble over. I have been immensely blessed with people that will call me out when I do something stupid, love me when I'm hurting, and make me laugh harder than a marathon of The Office. I am never bored with these people. They say that you should only be able to count your true friends on one hand....well, I need both my hands, and perhaps a foot. My friends say random, crazy, ridiculous, and inappropriate things. That is certifiably the thing I love about them the most. The above quote is something a friend of mine said to me last night. We are going to see the U2 concert in 3D at Tinseltown because a) I have a giftcard b) those cool 3D glasses and c)what could be better than a 30ft version of The Edge. I won't be cliche' or cheesy, but God really does place people in your life. I'm not saying that God revolves everyone else's world around mine but that we are all instrisically involved with one another. It's a system of checks and balances. I like the system. It's worked out pretty great so far. They say you never really keep the same friends. I say let's debunk that myth....
I love your blog. That is a great line about them being the people you lean on when you "tumble over". Isn't it wonderful to have friends? What kind of sadness is it to not have other human contact?
I'm with Vicki. This is funny and I love that opening quote.
You're channeling John Donne's sermons! "No man is an island, unto himself..."
K. Smith
Eng. 226
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