Thursday, February 28, 2008

Son of a bee sting, Mother frito...

There are many unsaid rules of being a christian here in the bible belt (many of which I do not agree with, some I do...."work out your OWN salvation with trembling and fear"-Phillipians 2:12...booya)
Rule #1-Do not consume alcohol...ever... do not pass not collect 200 dollars, even though I think this problem is pretty much isolated to the South. I think if you take anything to the extreme it's a bad thing (shopping, gossiping, eating, etc.). I don't think you are going to hell if you have a beer (please see scripture mentioned above, it's different for everyone)

Rule#2-Tithe, this one I believe with my whole heart, there is nothing more joyous than trusting God with everything...including your finances

Rule#3-Be at church everytime the doors are open...personally I think we need to get outside the four walls and interact with people, you know do what Jesus did, love people and meet them where they are. Somehow I don't think Christ envisioned his bride (the church) to be a lazy broad who sits at home in her bath robe...

Rule #4-Do no curse, cuss, swear, whatever you want to call it....don't do it...just don't....I personally am not pro-cursing or anti-cursing. I think if all people have to worry about it is a few four letters words...they might should re-prioritize. I think ironic cursing is funny...sorry...I don't think that makes me any less of a Christ follower...I do, however, become annoyed when I think that's all people say. I just wanna shake em by the shoulders and tell them to read a book, it increases your vocabulary.

Rule#5-Love people. It's true. A life postured after Christ is a life full of love for the human race. We don't try to be perfect, or at least I don't, it's impossible and tiring. A constant prayer is for God to break my heart for what breaks him.

I know the church has really screwed some things up. Some really great churches have been lumped in with some really crappy churches. I think we are on the verge of a new awakening. People are finally starting to get it. Even here in the bible belt. We have a way to go...but at least we are moving forward.


mooveemom said...


The line about the bathrobe is funny, funny! I agree with you. We do need to have church outside of church, but mostly we just need God.

Eng 226

dotsmom said...

Ditto, the line about the bathrobe.

K. Smith
Eng. 226