I like looking retrospectively at my life. I like to do this in one year increments. I can look back a year now in my life and it's always so different year to year. This is one of the things that gives me joy in my life. Things are always changing. I'm an advocate for change. I sometimes think that if we aren't changing then we are being stagnant and irrelevant. I love looking back and seeing who I was close to and who I'm close to now; if I was in a relationship or single. Now this is the conundrum I find myself in. These words above are true. I believe what I just typed, however, there is something beautiful about not changing. I think there is something mystical about being still and just appreciating life. Sometimes I feel like I have a healthy mix of this at other times I feel like my life couldn't be more opposite.
I can't believe I am graduating in two semesters. This will be the biggest change that I could possibly go through with the exception of motherhood and being a wife. This college life feels like it has been going on forever and went by as if I was going through some warp zone. I feel like an adult and a child. I am excited and terrified. I feel prepared and ill-prepared at the same time. Is that normal? I don't think anyone is ever ready for massive changes like that. I think it just all has to do with how you handle them, a person's attitude if you will. I plan to take it in stride pretty much like everything in my life. I guess we'll see how it all pans out. I'll just enjoy where I'm at in my life now.
It's funny that you wrote about this. I always stop and look at what I was doing 5 years ago. Life is all about change. What shouldn't change is our values. Oh, and you just think your life is going by fast, just wait until your 43 like me and have a grand baby! I don't know where the time went. But, I have to say I have learned to stop and smell the roses among all this change.
Eng 226
This is a very powerful blog! Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone stopped to look at where they had been and where they were going? Time really does fly and it doesn't give you an air bag, peanuts, nothing. Enjoy every minute, even the bad ones. It shows you're alive!
I don't spend much time looking back with remorse, that's for sure. I hope I live a good enough life that I don't have to feel badly for anything I've done. But I do remember good stuff and try to carry that forward.
K. Smith
Eng. 226
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