Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm a piece of toast with no jelly

We've made our way back from spring break and settled into our first week back to school (that is finished praise the Lord). Spring Break is a tease, just a prom night tease. Don't get me wrong I love spring break. We have a had a good relationship all these umpteen years I have been continuing my education. As spring solstice draws nigh the anticipation of spring break is on the horizon. Students wait with baited breath for the week before or after Easter (depending on what school). A week of pure uninhibited laziness and fodder. Productivity is the unforgiveable sin. I follow that mantra. I tried to convince myself to do this and do that. Get that paper written and write that lesson plan. I did none of it. Spring break brings out the devil's advocate in all of us. While the sane rational side is pleading for us to have some sense and get some work finished, the lazy procrastinator on the other shoulder bellows this is spring break! "Don't you deserve a break," whilst shaking his fist angrily in the air. I fell prey to his charms. Now, of course, I stew in my own regret (it tastes a bit like crow). With the mound of things I have to do this weekend, I could just kick myself for not being more responsible. I thought this time would rejuvenate and replenish. It did neither. It made me long for May like it was a lover lost at sea. I am motivated, but not all at the same time. I want to get work done, but I also want to play outside with my friends. Sigh. The official countdown has commenced. Five more weeks till glorious May.

Here is my article link

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Your genetic flaws I say say it all. . .

I think the standard for women annnnd men today is unfair, as far as the external goes. Since I am not a man, nor I have ever been a man, nor do I ever plan on being a man, I can't speak for them. I can just speak for women, and not all women, just me and the women I'm close to.
I think it's smart to be realistic about what your body looks like. Healthy body image is a rare find these days. Most women, myself included, have a really distorted view of what they look like. I believe my friends are beautiful and effervescent. Sometimes all they see is extra jiggle around the middle.
I'm not a size 2. I have never been a size 2. I am 5"10 for crying out loud...I would look like a flagpole...and although they harbor our nations flag...I still don't want to look like one. It's taken me 22 years to accept the fact that I will never weigh 115's just not healthy. It's taken me 22 years to realize that I'm not what the world would consider a great beauty. I'm not blonde...I have dark brown hair. The afforementioned hair is curly (only straight when I straighten it, which is usually once a week). 9 times out of 10 it's in a pony tail. I can be seen in jeans any day of the week, and wearing a t-shirt that I probably received for free from a church or bcm function. I don't wear a lot of make-up. That takes too much time...I'd rather sleep. My shoe collection consists of flip flops, chuck taylor's, and a dirty pair of new balance running shoes. I don't go out on dates every weekend, because I'm usually with friends somewhere. I'm not a straight-A student. I'd rather be painting somewhere or flying a kite.
...and I'm okay with that...all of it

Friday, March 7, 2008

Check the big times that got the heart of a robot...

I never really have ever understood boys. Their thought they make decisions baffle me. How totally wonderful and yet stupid they can simultaneously be. Please don't get me wrong, 3/4 of my friends are boys, and I love them dearly. I am not afraid to tell them when I think they are being idiots, as far as women are concerned. These men that I love like brothers can be the biggest jerks to their girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters, etc. That's when the palm of my hand slaps the back of their head.
I guess the point of all this is that all guys can be jerks (just like all girls). I know this person who likes to make the world think he is the nicest guy ever. He is a wonderful guy...he is sweet, thoughtful, and sincere. However, I have heard some of the meanest things about other people come out of this "wonder" boys mouth. What's wrong with this picture? I think we should just be honest with people and ourselves. My friends know that I would bend over backwards for any of them, but there are times when I need space. When I need to take a breath and step back. I don't think anyone expects anyone to be perfect...just honest. If you are sarcastic and mean to everyone behind their back and "super christian" boy to their face it's going to bite you in the butt.
If you are in a bad mood, for crying out loud, just admit you are in a bad mood instead of being passive aggressive! This is more of rant and will hardly make sense because it is so.

*this post is brought to you buy the overusage of quotation marks, commas, and ellipse's(?) and frustration in general...enjoy