Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm a piece of toast with no jelly

We've made our way back from spring break and settled into our first week back to school (that is finished praise the Lord). Spring Break is a tease, just a prom night tease. Don't get me wrong I love spring break. We have a had a good relationship all these umpteen years I have been continuing my education. As spring solstice draws nigh the anticipation of spring break is on the horizon. Students wait with baited breath for the week before or after Easter (depending on what school). A week of pure uninhibited laziness and fodder. Productivity is the unforgiveable sin. I follow that mantra. I tried to convince myself to do this and do that. Get that paper written and write that lesson plan. I did none of it. Spring break brings out the devil's advocate in all of us. While the sane rational side is pleading for us to have some sense and get some work finished, the lazy procrastinator on the other shoulder bellows this is spring break! "Don't you deserve a break," whilst shaking his fist angrily in the air. I fell prey to his charms. Now, of course, I stew in my own regret (it tastes a bit like crow). With the mound of things I have to do this weekend, I could just kick myself for not being more responsible. I thought this time would rejuvenate and replenish. It did neither. It made me long for May like it was a lover lost at sea. I am motivated, but not all at the same time. I want to get work done, but I also want to play outside with my friends. Sigh. The official countdown has commenced. Five more weeks till glorious May.

Here is my article link


mooveemom said...


Great post! I've never really paid much attention to spring break until I started to school three years ago. Now I get it! You aptly expressed the confusing choice between responsibility and "woo hoo"!!
I feel like I'm on the yellow brick road to the end of the semester!

Eng 226

Ryan Amend said...

Last weekend I told myself that I would start my next essay and work on it a little bit each night. Do you think I did it? Nope. I think students should not be allowed to think about school on spring break. It should be a new rule!

dotsmom said...

Good article! And funny blog. I know esactly how you feel!

K. Smith
Eng. 226