Thursday, March 19, 2009

I like Don Miller

"If I weren't a Christian, and I kept seeing Christian leaders on television more concerned with money, fame and power than with grace, love, and social justice, I wouldn't want to believe in God at all.  I really wouldn't.  The whole think would make me want to walk away from religion altogether because, like I was saying about Santa Claus, their god must be an idiot to see the world in such a one-sided way.  The god who cares so much about getting rich must not have treasures stored up in heaven, and the god so concerned about getting even must not have very much patience, and the god who cares so much about the West must really hate the rest of the world, and doesn't sound like a very good god to me.  The televangelists can have him for all I care."

"Searching For God Knows What"
by Don Miller

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